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Pakistan Pets & Animals

09 March
Frill and modina available
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Frill and modina available Frill back pair King modina Lakkay Khumray Pouter
Pouter pigeons available
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I want to sale all my birds in different variety because im going to close my setup Lakka Pigeon at 500/- Red Spangle Male at 3000/- Each Khumra at 500/- each Yellow king Modina at 1500/- Each O...
Fency pigeons availabe
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds King modina chicks and lakky fency chicks availabe for sale Modina 1000/- each Lakaky 500/- each
White pure aseel heera pair dangerous
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds full white or boht mazboot ha murgi murga nok nali b white ha age 2 years
Fancy bird male
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds fancy bird for sale faisalabad
Sindi aseel hen
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Sindi aseel hen nice buti hn for sal
English breedr pair in good quality
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds English breedar pair for sale in cheap price in good quality
English faintail breedar pair for in cheap price
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds English faintal bredr paor for sale in cheap piric in good quality
Lucky pair of peagion
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Lucky pair of peagion halthy good look confrom pair
Laucky pair pure white
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Laucky pair pure white pure white halthy confrom breed
Breeder pair of amercan fantale
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds female is in chocolate color and male is in light brown color having black dots on it
Setinet forbijin
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds setinet forbijin for sale
Pure aseel hen b&b
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure aseel hen Good race(nasal) White eyed 1 year aged Egg lying
Owl pigeons breeder pair with chick
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds healthy and active pair with one chick
Feli fancy male
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds This Male exchange with female and sale.another hight flying pigeons avilable for sale or exchange with fancy pigeons .
White fancy red eye
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Male exchange with female and sale
Adult pair of red brouner
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i want to sale one pair of red brouner in healthy condition
Two females of black magpie
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i want to sale two females of black magpie in healthy condition laying eggs for rs.5000 per piece
4 white and 2 brown pieces of khumras
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 4 white and 2 brown pieces of khumras i want to sale 3 pairs of khumras in healthy condition
MenaDaag Breeder Pair In Cheaper Price Range
(Faisalabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds MenaDaag Breeder Pair In Cheaper Price Range Confirm Breeder Very healthy and active