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Pakistan Pets & Animals

08 March
Aseel chita female for sell tiger nasel ke hay
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds aseel for sell one time anday dalay hay active and healthy
Good abd complet breeder piar peigon
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds all piar peigon for sale in very low price please serious people contact just call dnt sms
Black senna peigon
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black sena peigon male serious people contact dnt sms call please
Cream bar piar peigon
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds cream bar peigons conform breeder peigon piar please dnt sms call me please
Silver Sebright pair
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Silver sebright pair for sale Active and healthy Show class birds
Cream bar male patha
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Male zarad band male patha for sale
Roshni charag piar peigon
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds complet breeder piar peigons roshan charag very responsable price
Lal qotaband piar peigons very fancy peigons
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds lal qota band confirm breeder very beautiful and so nice
Khal pota band madi rang hay yang jora hay. ando k liye tayar hay,
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Khal pota band madi rang hay yang jora hay. ando k liye tayar hay,
Pure aseel kolangi hen
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds aseel egg lying hen of age 1.5 year pure breed of very cheap price
Pure aseel young hen
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds aseel young hen of pure breed an age of eight months
A colungi **** for sale.
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I wanna sell my colungi ****. I don't know exact age but, I m sure it's above 1 year.
Grezar extermely pure male
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Greazer male for sale in a good prize
Wonderful and active
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds want to sale my healthy breeder pair of silvr sebrite price 6000
Zarband israeli qotaband chap black lal shirazi tawasi piar
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds all peigon piar for sale Zarband israeli qotaband chap black lal shirazi tawasi piar
Black tail male for exchange
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure black tail male for sale or exchange with black tail female Only serious buyer contact
Black bantam and white bantam pair
(Peshawar)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Age 5 and 7months 5 months pair Rs1800 7months pair Rs2100
Aseel home chicks
(Abbottabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure Aseel Breed Chicks availability for sale parent picture is also attached
Pigeon only in 3000 rupees
(Abbottabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds This pigeon has dual colour eyes one eye is black and others white.
Ducks availible for sale.
(Abbottabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Healthy and active ...single piece price 1250, pair price 2500 & set price 3500 ... For further details plz contact on mobile ... Text or call.