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08 March |
Show King Pigeons (Duck Shape)
- Pets & Animals / Birds
show king pigeons and king pigeons breading pairs of sale.. healthy and imported .
Note:-These are Imported Show king pigeons Greater in size than king pigeons (Duck Shape)
Pure aseel mianwali
- Pets & Animals / Birds
hen broody
100 % result
near pti darhna islamabad
Rare breeds chicks are availaable
- Pets & Animals / Birds
blue polish Rs500 back polish Rs300 buff polish Rs300 golden polish
Rs300 buff cochin heavy Rs300 black cochin heavy Rs300 blue cochin heavy
Rs500 black japanes bantam Rs250 modern game bantam Rs5...
A speacial Aseel Coak very beautiful and Young. Home Hatched and train
- Pets & Animals / Birds
A speacial Aseel Coak very beautiful and Young. Home Hatched and train
Chicks of Japanese black and heavy Buff
- Pets & Animals / Birds
chicks of Japanese black and heavy buff Black & golden
age one week 250/-
one month 500/-
two months 750/-
Pic. of parents attached.
also visit Rehmani Birds on facebook
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Aseel murgha for sale
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel for sale ,
age 1.5 year,
Bengum aseel , very long hieght.
- Pets & Animals / Birds
5 months old
100% vaccinated
wieght almost 1.25 kg
FOr all customerz of pindi islamabad.
quality can b seen in pics.
One pair of duckling
- Pets & Animals / Birds
ducks for sale in PWD housimg socity islamabad
Plymouth rock hen
- Pets & Animals / Birds
plymouth rock hens
beautiful hens and big eggs
2 Aseel phaatay white and black
- Pets & Animals / Birds
1 white male phatta age 5 months
1 black female phatta age 5 months
pure breed, pics are attached
2 Aseel hen and 1 murgha
- Pets & Animals / Birds
1 hen is 2.5 years old
1 hen is 1.5 years old
1 murgha is 1.5 years old
pure aseel breed, pics are original
Chks r availble
- Pets & Animals / Birds
orgnl pics r attached of paents only their chks 4r sale nd sme sngl
breeder pigeons r availble for sale breads r choha btaira 35wala teyddi
golden kamagar dubwala chappra limited chks only call p...
Aseel patha and chicks
- Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel 6 months Mianwali Breed Jawa 3000 per patha pathi
Aseel breed home
- Pets & Animals / Birds
chicks of Age 2.5 month rs 1000/per chick and 2 pathay and 3 Pathe of age 4 months are 1500 per chick
Aseel Jawa Patha and Mianwali Hen
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Whit Eyes Aseel Jawa All Times Winner **** of Age 2.5 Months and Very Healthy and Moti Haddi hay Jawa Color hay.
I am closing my setup that's why selling all my stuff.
Serious Persons may Contact No...
Aseel Pathay Mianwali and Rampuri
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel Pathay Pathi Of Mianwali + Rampuri Breed Very Special and Rare Breed in Jawa Color Father is of Also Jawa Breed.
Serious Persons May Contact.
Age of Pathay Pathi is 6 Months
Very Healthy and ...
Aseel home birds
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure blood Line Aseel Mianwali and Rampuri breed Pathay Pathay available serious persons may contact
Aseel bird in 10,000
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Top quality aseel bird, very strong bird, perfect game bird and breeder
as well Age: 17 months , for sale. just in Rs:10,000.
Doves in various colors
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Doves pairs for sale red and white mix pairs. Total 8 pieces remaining. 2
pieces price Rs 750 and Single piece in Rs 400.
Fancy Homers pigeon (QASID) for sale. . .
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Young adult pair, ready for breed , sale on any reasonable price thanks,