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Pakistan Pets & Animals

08 March
Show King Pigeons Breading Pairs (Modena) (Duck Shape)
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds We deal with many kinds of pigeons Especially "Show King Pigeons" And "King Pigeons" Now a days Show King Pigeons and King Pigeons are Available for Sale.... If You Are In-trusted Call us... ...
Golden chance Kuruk Aseel Murgi for sale.
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds kuruk Aseel hen for sale. miya wali 100% pure aseel. Golden chance for breeders.. if any one intrested then contact me on this num. u guyz have only two dayz..
Kabootar and shatt
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 60 Kabootar and full shatt
If u want to buy connect on my mob
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds per aseel 2000 rupeez....urgent for sale .... allz are fine koi bemari nhi
Kabooter seal ou buchye bi
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds good resulted kids pigeons kamarger banky
Japanese pair black tail
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black tail Japanese pair for sale age=7 months around available in Islamabad g-7, (only SMS) price is final,, pics are not original but original are same like these,
Fancy pigeons (pure white)
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure white fancy pigeons for sale rs 1500 pair serious buyers please contact via messages
Polish (black )
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black polish breeding pair only for rs 5000 serious buyers please contact via messages
Cochine bantam (white)
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Set of 3 pure white cochine bantams (2 females and one male only for 4000 rs serious buyers contact via message
Quality collection of Aseels Bird
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds For further details contact on this number. Mazeed malomat k liay in numbers pr rabta karen
Healthy and breeding pair for sale.
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 2 Pair White pouter (100%Breeder) 1 Pair Black Pouter (5000) 1Pair Buda Piest (6000) Single Male Polish good size (1500) all healthy and active for sale
Healthy silky available in white colour
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure silky is available. It's almost of 1 nd half yrs
Desi / Golden and Missri (White Egyptian) chicken
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Flock size - 8000 birds Age of Flock - 24 weeks Vaccination - Complete
Pure sindhi aseel murga
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure sindhi aseel murga pure sindhi aseel blood
Jet black heavy buff chicks
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Jet black heavy buff chicks age 3 mnth vaccinated
Muscovy duck pair
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Breeder pair fully vaccinated
Pure blood seel
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure blood pair seel
I have fancy hens
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i want to sale my fancy birds i have all kind of breeds in large quantity in all ages n they are available at Islamabad , rawal pindi n abbottbad
Orignal motiyon waley
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 37 pigeons highflyer meli aankh orignal syalkoti Rs.66500 final price
English game and white milli male
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds breeder pair of game is for sale and white milli male is also avalibal