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Pakistan Pets & Animals

07 March
White king female
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 100% perfect guarantee mara pas egg dia hua han
Aseel wite cheeni pathee
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds wit brown cheeni young pathee.Amroe Nasal se
Egyptian swift pigeons
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds just 4 pigeons lovers... Egyptian swift pigeons
Silver Indian maina pigeons
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds fix price just for pigeons lovers. the color you never see before.
Budhapest pigeons
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds just 4 pigeons lovers Only serious buyers contact.
FANCY PIGEONS Bokhara Trumpeter
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds two breeder male of bokhara trumpeter for sale
Black couchine bentum bredr pair
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black couchine bentum breder pair for sale... pure blood line show class breed
White silki adult male
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds white silki adult male for sale.. active,healthy and vacsinated
Very nice laka pair
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i sale my beautiful laka pair
Doves in various colors
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Doves pairs for sale red and white mix pairs. Total 8 pieces remaining. 2 pieces price Rs 750 and Single piece in Rs 400.
Healthy and active wyndott bantum
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Wyndott bentum for sale or exchange with female of any polish, milliflure or black heavy male. One male of Blue splach is also available for sale or exchange with female
Fresh and fertile eggs
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds fresh and fertile eggs of Japanes Black, silver, heavy buff Black and Golden are available. Parents pictures are attached . Sector D/12, I-10, or Zero Point Islamabad.
White laka pigeons
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds best laka han.. no falt guaranted
Gubara pigeon red spangle or yellow magpie
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have yellow magpie n red spangle breeder pairs n chicks for sale
White asil avaiable in islamabad
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds White aseel patha for sale
Pigeons 100% breed
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds friends i have a pair of black fancy pigeons beautiful vaccinated and in a very cheap price for more info contact me please no SMS or messages
Hen for sell in kahuta
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds seling in kahuta at cheap rate just Rs 1500 only
A speacial Aseel Coak very beautiful and Young. Home Hatched and train
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds A speacial Aseel Coak very beautiful and Young. Home Hatched and train
Kabutar pair white
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Highflyer meli ankh k kabutat urgent for sale
Heavy breeder black buff
(Islamabad)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black buff breeder & 5 brown havey buff chiks