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Pakistan Pets & Animals

05 March
Firll back sadel 5 father
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Good and healthy pairs Firll back sadel 5 father
Germanbueity yellow ring birds .
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Chicks and pairs sale Germanbueity yellow ring birds .
Fancy pigeon in good price
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Out Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious people contect me. Address.Moon market Iqbal town Lahor...
Germanbueity yellow
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Breed whit two chicks
Sadel firll back and firll back pair for
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Ready for breed one pair sadel are young.
Black springle breed er pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Good size self feeder and haldi
Egg laying hens
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 6 hens 1 rooster all healthy active egg factory 600/- per hen 700/- rooster location north Karachi near Bara market
Migpa whit chick good
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Blue and tulcy pairs Migpa whit chick good
White heavy hen chicken
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds One white heavy adult male for sale at very cheap rate for further information contact
Lakka breeder pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds lakka breeder pair with 2 pure white chicks, plz jis ne kareedna hai wahi contact kare. location saddar luckystar
Show class egg laying just started
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 8 months age extra heavy giant size extra long footings egg laying machine
Show class egg laying
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Urgent sale all ages under 10 months
Buff polish and golden polish
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class 5months pairs of buff polish and golden polish All pure blood line
Show class pAIRS
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds egg lAYing pair urgent sale
Black polish imp bloodline
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Five inch above crest show class
Golden sebrite females
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Silver windott pair 3500rs .sebrite golden females egg laying.dutch bentum egg laying pair
Blue Heavy Cochin {Imported from Holland}
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show Class Blue Heavy Cochin Chicks available at cost effective rates Features: -Extra Ordinary Size, Feathering and Shape -ND and Coryza Vaccinated -Imported Pure Blood Line from Holland -Ag...
Golden polish and buff polish 5mths
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class pairs available 5000rs pair White black golden buff polish available All are favours and bearded
Chicks mix three months
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 12 chicks available including one each of blue,black,splash available Lumsum 5000rs
Laqa Kabootat Pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Laqa Kabootar for sellOut Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious people contect me. Address.Moon m...