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Pakistan Pets & Animals

05 March
Fancy Laka pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fancy laka breeding pair for sale
Healthy Golden buff chicks of 4 months
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Healthy Golden buff chicks of 4 months
Blue Settinet Pairs
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Blue settinet 2 pairs for sale price 11000
Different fancy chicks
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Assalam-o-alikum I want to sale my black frizzle cochin bantam chicks pair about 2 month age and One peice of black japiness black ,they are looking so cute and healthy ,heavy fur in legs,origin...
Aseel **** Patha
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Aseel Murgha for Sell Very good Patha
Misri hen egg laying
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds ghar ki pali he andey de rahi he
Chicks of BLACK heavy cochin
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class chicks of BLACK HEAVY COCHIN available for sale AGE 1 WEEK RATE RS 200 healthy and active (PARENTS PICS ARE ATTACHED)
Chicks of GOLDEN BUFF heavy cochin
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Chicks of Showclass GOLDEN BUFF HEAVY COCHIN for sale AGE 1 WEEK RATE RS.150 healthy and active (PARENTS PICS ARE ATTACHED)
Golden BUFF chicks
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class GOLDEN BUFF heavy cochin chicks available for sale AGE 1 week DEMAND RS 150 healthy and active (PARENTS PICS ARE ATTACHED)
Aseel murgi in low price
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Ghar ki pali murgi he anday dene wali he.
Turkey bird chicks
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Turkey chicks are avalable for sale just Rs 600 per chick, the chick is just 3 days old. The breading pairs are also available just Rs 9000 per pair. Chakoor pair is just Rs 10000
Beautifule Pure Mushka
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Dear Friends, Selling my beautiful Mushka Aseel pure blood line urgently. Quality of bird already seeing in picture.
Americans pigeons {Laka pairs for sale}
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Americans fantails breading pairs for sale, per pair is just Rs 7500 and phathay per pair just Rs 5500
Galwa asseel minawali
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Best aseel female for sale , Mainwali aseel bread Pics shows the quality, age about 2 years ready for eggs, ONLY SERIOUS PERSON CONTACT PLZ
4 american layer hens
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Want to sale 4 american layer hens.. 5 eggs in a week per hen on proper feed. Final 2000
Banarsi Ghagre & Lalbund
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 17 Pairs & 33 Phate Very Cheap Rate Sub Lene Per 750 Per hojaenge Sub Pairs Breed karte howe hen or kisi ko only male lene hn tu woh b mil jaenge
White Polish 1 Rooster With 3 Chickens
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds White Polish 1 male 3 females Age: Around 1 year 2 months Healthy And Vaccinated With Allopathic Vaccine Original & Personal Pics Are Attached. Location of Pet House: Shah Faisal Colo...
Aseel Narangi mainwali patha
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds age 12 month very beautiful **** joint neck well height normal
Pair of chicken
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Salaam i want to sale my chicken pair .... Rs-1500 final fixed prices
Black silkie male available pure blood line
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black silkie male available for sale age is 4 months five footed far on legs MashaAllah Healthy active and play full interested people may contact. contact only serious buyer bird availiable only ...