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Pakistan Pets & Animals

05 March
Chokur male big size young and healty wiht cage shohken buyers contact
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 1 pes big size chokur male young active and healty cage k shat sale karna he shoken ur serious buyers rabta kare sms or call price fnf no foolish offer
Black Bantam Male
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds dono ma se koi sa bhi Buy kar sakty hain only one for sale in both males
GOLDEN bUFF. Showclass
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class breed of golden buff. Roaster for sale Very healthy and active
Pure Nayab PIGEON
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Dear Friends my pure pigeon for sale serious Buyers connect me, only Call no messages
White ducks active and healthy
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have white ducks for sale. Price of each pair of duck is 2000/- All ducks are active and healthy.
Ozbik timbler pigeons
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds fresh pair for sale call only
German beauty white
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds healthy white female per 10000 for sale only call
Magpie pigeons pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds for sale conatct urgent
Black pair pigoens
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds for sale first breeder pair call only shoulder black female springle male 10000 blood line full springle.
Aseel chicks 3 months old
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds me apne aseel chuze sale kar raha ho panjab nasal he apne murge se bread karwayi the 1 no aseel he or orignal pics he jo bhi interested ho plz call kare
Seal murga red and black jawa
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Red colour seal **** sales only 2000
Golden heavy buff female
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Golden heavy buff female Active or healthy Laying eggs Only seriouse buyer contact Also like my fb page Bilal's birds & pets for sale in karachi
Chicks of polish
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds chicks of follwing breeds r on sale. All r healthy n active, (usually fed on boiled eggs) Blk silkies 400 Blk.polish400 Golden buff 180 Note; above rates r subjected to per chick. No foolish offer...
I m saleing black tail
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Black tail chicks for sale
Female 8 months
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class heavy female for sale
Excellent breeders pure blood line
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Urgent sale Price on cAL egg laying
Polish eggs laying pairs
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Show class home. Breed polish pairs available for sale
FANCY female white pourter
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds salam i wants to sale my fancy pourter female give me best offer and take away
1saberian murgy,1desi murgy and 1 fight wala murga
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 1saberian murgy,1desi murgy and 1 fight wala murga. Sale urgent barganing karsakte hain
Black Heavy buff pair
(Karachi)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Almost one year old black heavy buff for sale