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Pakistan Pets & Animals

04 March
Tadi white eyes al together
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds These pgeons white eyes Tadi white eyes al together Out Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious pe...
Pigeon Ferozpuri and Dubwaly
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Top Quality pure Dubwalay and Ferozpuri available for sale Ferozpuri and dubwalay beche:::1000 Rs Feel Free to Contact 03000 400665
Chicks for in lahore
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Three beautiful chicks Chicks for in lahore
White bantam male 4 month
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure breed white bantam male age 4 month old active healty and vacinated contact irfan
3 months old fancy chicks are available
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have many chicks of chickens for sale through out the year miniatures and large fowls some of them are attached in the picture others are listed below 1. Black minorca 2. Blue cochin large 3...
Very beautiful hen
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds original Aseel ha. price b normal ha so plzz serious buy contact me
Yellow Fantail, good size
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I want to sale my yellow fantail. both r male. no sms please. only call.
Bantam chicks white & black
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds white bantam & black bantam chicks for sale one week old
Silver danver chickens
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Young abd egg laying. Fully vaccinated
Sale goldanbaff chicke male 1200
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds for sall goldan baff beautiful mall 4 month age
American fantail male chick
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds American fantail male chick healthy, original pic attach ...
Rana salman k gr k teddy golden bachy
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Rana salman k ghr k golden teddy bachy Money back grenty.plz contact me on my nomb.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds whit bentm,black beantm,blubeantm;Rs;70 black polish;Rs;220 golden hawey Rs;130 old silki Rs200
Yellow Megpie Pouter.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Yellow Megpie Breeder Pair Available For Sale Orignial pic are attached.
Aseel java high quality
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Aseel java for sale in Lahore 1.5 year old plzz contact me
Pigeon for sale.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 9 breeding pairs for sale per pigeon 1500 Rs.
Bule bantam male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Young blue bantam male healthy and vaccinated
White japnes pair
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds breedar pair white japnes
Asal lakha bacha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pyor lakha bachs age 3 month
Desi Murga Ghar ka
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds healthy and active murg, ghar ka hai ghar palney k liey behtreen