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Pakistan Pets & Animals

02 March
Pure neela kabooter only one chick left
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Only one chick left Pure breed with awsome result
Zakh pigeons old breed in purity and cross as well
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Breed pure bhe ha white eye And neelay kamagar k sath cross mein bhe ha in red eye Breeder pairs adults
Breeder Teddy pair
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Shouk khtam kar raha soo sale kar raha aghar koi intersted ho tu kindly sms or call.
Sakaguchi Shamo aseel chicks of this hen
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Sakaguchi Shamo aseel chicks of this hen per chick
Pure sindhi aseel patha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure sindhi aseel patha , good height , age 7 months , home breed , active , saleta rang nikal raha ha , urgent sale , price is little bit negotiable , serious buyers contact only.
Silver Sebright pair
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Silver sebright pair for sale Active and healthy Show class birds Loc peshawar cargo is available Original pics
White cochin heavy male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds white cochin buff havey mail 8 month old A + breed
Golden Buff Heavy
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I want to sale out my 4 Golden Buff Heavy Hens , They are Healthy , Adult and active Location Address = Manawan G.T Road Lahore, near Bata Shoe Factory
Taddi Golden Haray Neelay Pigeons.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Best Blood Line Of Pigeons. Rate on call or Sms. Only serious people contact me. Address.Moon market Iqbal Town Lhr.
Breeder Fantail Pigeons Pairs in Lahore in reasonable rates
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have healthy and active breeder fantail pigeons in pure white and black n white color in reasonable price. Per pair in rs 1500/ Little bit discount if need more then 1 pair.
Jacobin pigeon beaitiful pair
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds jacobin breeder pair big hood big size .nice cutting full breeder pair.price is fnf .dnt expect big discount.
Beautiful duck male and for
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Ducks for sale, 4 female 1 male all birds are healthy and laying eggs
Luckay beautiful with egg
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds hi friend mere pas aik lucka breed pair he jo k me sale kerna chaht hu 26 ko inho ne egg deye he. pair is so beautifull orignal pic are attach.
Ferozpuri kabootar
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Nassli ferozpuri kabootar required for sale
Golden Buff male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds price is all most fainal...1700 Out Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious people contect me. Addr...
Puter pigeon male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds poutr pigeon male for sale hulthe active bredr butifull male cheep price CONTECT call sms
Beautiful breed
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds aseel murg for sale age 1year and 8month
Ghar ki desi murgiya eggz wali
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds for sale **** weight 3kg hen weight 2kg maximum 4hen 1cock
Beautiful breed
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure aseel murg age 2year and 5month
Egg laying desi set for sell
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds for sale 4henz 1cock active and healthy home grown