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Pakistan Pets & Animals

01 March
Pure Dub Waly Pairs
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Humary Pass Orignal Mommi Nok Kushada Palkon Laal Surkh Ankhon K Dub Waly Pairs For Sale Hain Bachy B Pathiyan Pathy B Or Pairs Be Mill Jye Gy... Only Intersted Buyers Contect Plz...Thanks :) ...
Banghum aseel hen
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Banghum aseel hen age 17 month 2 bar breed kr chuki hai or donu breed k bechay b wth old photos n videos mojod hain Madi gurented anday b dy gi or bechay palne mai full expert Abi b aik choza pal...
High fly pigeon bazi walay
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Jonsira pair Rs. 10000. (Is pair k Bachon ka perwas tym 8 to 10 hr). Golden bacha 1500 Highfly pathi 1000
Rose Comb White 3 chicks of 1 month
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have 3 chicks of Rose Comb in White colour Pure breed, healthy, active, and vaccinated Age: 1 month Price: 400 per chick Address: Chowk Ghorey Shah, near UET, Lahore
White buff chick
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds age 1 month healthy and pure breed
Black minorca beead pair
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black minorca hen age 1.5 year egglaying
Pouter breader male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pouter breader male healthy and active
Sher-e-Babbar Desi murgha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds one desi murgha age 10 months Rs.700/_ call anytime.
Lakha aseel hen
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds lakha aseel set 4 sale 1 male 2 female age 1.5 year breader set.male 2500.female 2000
Young white cochin bantum male
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Out class Breed. Pure & Cross Breed. Special High flying Chicks. Best blood line of Pigeons. Rate on call or Sms. Only serious people contect me. Address.Moon market Iqbal Town Lahore. pair light ...
Black minorca udělat
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds black minorca one **** & four femail for sale 100 % good breed
Fantail pigeon pair (Lakey Kabootar) available in Lahore
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Healthy and active black & white color breeder fantail pigeon (lakey kabootar) pair available for sale in cheap rate in Lahore. Orignal picture attached. contact any time.
Golden heavy Buff Chicks
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I am sale heavy golden buff chicks healthy and pure blonde line Age 2 weak To 1.5 weak
English Game pair, zero size
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I have a pair of English Game Healthy, active, and vaccinated Pure breed, Zero size Original and fresh pics attached Age: Male 7 montns, Female 5 months Price: 2500 for pair Address: Chowk Ghor...
Golden Buff Hens, Chickens & Eggs
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Slamm to all Viewers ! Mery Paas Golden Buff Hen, Silky Hens, Bentum Hents & Desi Hens aur in ke Choozy sales k liye available hain. Healty & Active , original Picture s are attached ...
Aseel Murgha Peela
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Home breed Ghar Ka peela baadsha for sale high top quality 100% blood guarantee
Batam chick age 3 month
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds batam chick for sale age round about 3 month healthy and active
Desi Murga or 2 murgiya
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Andy deti he 2no Murgiya ok 2kg k kreeb he 3no.. Murga aseel ka cross he.
Pure aseel black patha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pure aseel kala patha age 10 month home breed
Australian hens
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Out class Breed. Pure & Cross Breed. Special High flying Chicks. Best blood line of Pigeons. Rate on call or Sms. Only serious people contect me. Address.Moon market Iqbal Town Lahore. pair light ...