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Pakistan Pets & Animals

29 February
Pure aseel mianwali
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure aseel mianwali patha age 11 m great nalas and storg jors plz call me no sms
Pure aserl mianwali murga
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure aseel mianwali patha age 10 month great nasal and strong jors choras nali pls call me no sms
Black tail hens
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds adult 3 hens for saleBlack tail hens
Minorca hens adult
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds age 5 to 6 month and two hens age 1year
Ding-taja-banka putha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Original Pictures Thoker Niazbaig Pictures speek of quality
Male tukrey bird
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Male spanishh turkey available ,pure breed and vaccinated.age 13 month.rate per kg.
Lakaha aseel putha
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Original pictures Thoker Niazbaig good height & strong big legs...
Chua chandan light colour sunehry rung
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds chua chanda breeder pair mature breeder pair original pictures attached home breed healthy and active vaccinated
Pair of Turkey's
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pair of turkey for sale...Out Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious people contect me. Address.Mo...
Black aseel kana patha.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Father and mother ki pic ha sath.only call me no sms. gullbarg 2 near pepsi factory. ...
Selling various pigeons in cheap price
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds I want sale Blue Magpie, American fantail, Red Sherazi and foster pigeons. All the Pairs are 101% breeder in cheap price
Fancy hens and chiks
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i have many exotic breeds of hens and birds . pure blood lines. chiks of some breeds also available. call/sms for details
Lakai pigeons fantail laka lakay lakai laky
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds breeder males in black and grey color =2500 per piece babies in black and brown colour=1500 per piece one pair of brown brilliant singapori babies=4000 lum sum1800 per piece
Racer pigeons qasid, homor ,fancy
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds agr ap tamam birds buy kerain gai to 500 per piece ho ga ni to different rates hain if you buy all birds then it would be 500 per pieace and if you buy birds of your choice then it would be on di...
Golden buff **** and hen for sell
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Healthy and beautyful golden buff male and female for sale
Aseel mushka java miyawali.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure home breed. Fully activ & strong bird. Very good blood line. Multan road multan chungi nearby thokr lahore.
Miyawali java aseel patha for sale.
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fully home breed Miyawali java mushka. Fully activ & healthy and strong bird. Very good blood line. Multan road multan chungi nearby thokr lahore.
Mohar walay kaboter
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Out Class Taddi. Classical Motiyoun walay & Many More Pigeons. Amazing High Flying Special Chicks. Rate on call or Sms. Only to only serious people contect me. Address.Moon market Iqbal town Lahor...
Bantam cochin chicks
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds A O A i want to sale bantam cochin chicks age 1week
Duck chicks so beautyfull
(Lahore)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Age 10 days beautyfull ducks babys difrant colors healdhy and vaccinated pure home breed at low price 150 each - 300 pair