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11 March |
High flyer pigeons in very cheap price : sale:
- Pets & Animals / Birds
shokeen bhaiyon ka lye gift per pigeon rs 300 only
ma pigeons htam kr RHA hun total 12 pigeons hn. high flyer hn-kum kemat
ma. I'm live in jhanda chichi Rawalpindi.contact me call and sms ...
Cheena aseel patha
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful aseel patha healthy n active chutki trained
Lucky pigons in cheap price
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Active and healthy
home breed
pair and sigle pice
reasonable price
breedar pair
Pindora Raja adeel aseel ****
- Pets & Animals / Birds
I want to sell aseel **** in pindora
Aseel mianwali patha
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful aseel patha healthy n active
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Cheeni aseel madi murghi
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Cheeni aseel madi murghi Strong hen
One eye damage
Mushka aseel murgha murga
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Mushka aseel murgha murga Strong bird
High level aseel
Pure aseel murgay
- Pets & Animals / Birds
2 aseel murgay one is minawali and the white one is minawali and sindhi mix
Black price 2500
White price 1800
A couple of aseel murgh for sale.
- Pets & Animals / Birds
It so beautiful couple relats mianwali.it is breaded having 3 aggs.
Golden buff extra heavy
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Golden buff & black buff heavy chicks for sale
Age 3 months each
All chicks t vaccinated and healthy.
Pic r attached
Golden buff heavy
- Pets & Animals / Birds
I have chicks of golden buff heavy and black buff heavy
Original pic r attached
Age 3 months
All chicks r vaccinated and healthy
Per pair 2500
Please call
10 March |
Fancy pigeons.very beautiful
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Very beautifull fancy pigeons for sale..100% breeder pair wth thre baby(nw almst adult)..
Huge size runt pigeon breeder pair
- Pets & Animals / Birds
I want to sale 100% breeder pair of huge runt pigeons wth thre baby(nw
adult).very beautiful n healthy MA..3 piece total
Pure desi, aseel desi mix, golden desi home growth
- Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel desi mix, pure aseel and golden desi hens for sale
healthy, active and vaccinated
all birds growth in home...
aseel desi mix, pure aseel price each 2000 Rs
golden desi price each-750
Pure desi gatanangi neck necked egg lay hen
- Pets & Animals / Birds
for sale pure desi necked neck hen Pure desi gatanangi neck necked egg lay hen
Naked neck hen gata nangi murgi
- Pets & Animals / Birds
boht he nayaab or qeemti murgi for sale..
naked neck...
1.5 age..
egg laying....
chicks experience
healthy active n vaccinated..
black beauty color
serious buyers contact
no bargaining , ...
Pure aseel , pure desi, gata nangi , N golden desi hens & cocks
- Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel , pure desi, gata nangi , N golden desi hens & cocks
Desi Misri murag
- Pets & Animals / Birds
i want desi, misri ****
Serious buyer contact me
Pure class breeders
- Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA, I want to sale some highclass breeder pigeons , birds have shown
excellent homing and flying ability ( Rs=5000/-per bird) , only those
people who knows about pure breeds can contact for furt...
Pure fresh fertile aseel eggs
- Pets & Animals / Birds
pure aseel fresh and fertile eggs for hatching
eggs not old than 4 days
100 percent hatchable and pure eggs
original pics of parents attached
serious buyers plz call me
meeting point is...