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Pakistan Pets & Animals

10 March
Roshan Charagh Pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Quite young pair ready to confirm breed active healthy and beautiful in color and size
Sindhi murkha beautifull mumtazabad
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Sindhi murkha beautifull mumtazabad no fault koi bemari nai he ik dam ooook
China pigeon full breed pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds male and female are fully white with no spot.
Sattinet pair with chick
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Again female is going to lay egg with in 15 days.
One pouter breeder male with huge size and baloon available
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds One pouter breeder male with huge size and baloon available bird is lush, active and healthy
Pathy available
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds common patha blue exibition size patha black patha yellow breeder female
11 breeder pieces of diamond, silver and cave dove available
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 11 breeder pieces of diamond, silver and cave dove available all are breeder and healthy
Blue male and opal female
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds pair is breeder and sitted on eggs
Beautiful and attractive settinetes
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds common, blue, black and chocolate settinets... active and healthy
Beautiful birds for nice ones
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 2 kali same clutch pair, birds are healthy
Lakka pair available
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Full breeder pair. Healthy & active. Chotidaar & pamoze.
09 March
Some female pigeons for sale,,,
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Seyah madi...2500 or comman seti 1500 ki only call no sms... intrsted people can call me.
Black Lakka Male for sale..
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Beautyfull male big size nd breedr Male....xchange possibe with black female Lakki ...agr hy to call me no sms only call sms ka reply nai mily ga.
Good Quality Pigeons for sal
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds good quality pigeons for sale, healthy and active. price on call no sms only call
Black setynet young male
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Black setynet young male No foolish offire no sms only call
Amrican laka nar 5 par mada bredar
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Amrican laka nar 5 par mada bredar On foolish offire no sms only call
Chocolate laka bredar pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Chocolate laka bredar pair No sms only call plz
Fally kazer 1pair young
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds No sms only call sms ka reply nhi karun ga
A high quality breed of Ghoubara Pigeons is available in reasonables
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds A high quality breed of Ghoubara Pigeons is available in reasonables
Blue satti pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 100 prcnt breeder pair Blue satti pair