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Pakistan Pets & Animals

09 March
Blue sattinet pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Blue sattinet breeder pair for sale and exchange only danish white chickx
Common sattinet
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Common breeder pair for sale
White frill back pathty 3 pieces
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds White frill back pathty 3 pieces healthy and active. 3 kali.
Fantail male availe for sell
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds agr kisi k pas female ho to mujh sell kr do ta k mere pas pair cmplte ho jay warna ap koi lyna chahy to cntct me.
2 cocks and 6 hens
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds may apnay gher ki pali hui 6 hen aur 2 murghay sale krna chahta hun. may in ko is leyae sale kr rha hun kyun kay meray pas ab in ko daekh bhal kernay ka time nahi hota. yeh murghian 2-3 haftay kay...
Siah shirazi chicks
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds siah kachpare 2 chicks healthy and beautiful each chicks Rs.5000
Common sattinet
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Common sattinet for sale 1 male 2 female
Fantail breeder pair with 1 chick
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fantail breeder pair with 1 chick
High flying aseel piggon 4sale
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds High flying aseel piggon 4sale
Pigeon (German Tie Oriental Black)
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Male Pigeons, German Tie, Oriental Black Color
Black Lakka male young
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Not for sale ....Only exchange with black Lakka female ke sath possible hoga agr kisi ke pas hy tu call kree...ye male hy mgr mjy Female chaiye...nd only call no sms plz intrsted people Can call. ...
Jurman beauty chick nicee quality
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Jurman buty chick for sale nicee quality.
Commn setti femail for sale...
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Only intrsted people can call me....nd only call no sms plzZz...
Fawn Satinette single chick For sale. Beautiful chick with big size...
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fawn Satinette single chick For sale. Beautiful chick with big size...
Blue settinet Breeder pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Blue settinet breeder pair Healthy and Active
Kaboter kamager pure
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds myself Syed Amjid Shah . .ap sb ko mra ye kboter kesa lga? ? ? contect me . .
Yellow humor checks
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Yello houmer chicks for sale nice quality strong
Fancy Pathy blue seti
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fancy Pathy blue seti Pathy hain blue seti ha
Fantail breedr male
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Full breedr male white lakka
Blue seti breedr white baar
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds White baar breedr pair Blue seti breedr white baar