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Pakistan Pets & Animals

09 March
Black sherazi full breedar pair with 2 chick
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 100% full breedar pair pamoz black sherazi
Fance pigeon for sail in cheep price in multan beautiful and good pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Fance pigeon for sail in cheep price in multan beautiful and good pair
Sabz togha full breedr pair 4sale
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Full breedar sabz togha pair
Laal lakhy aseel.
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Laal lakhy aseel. Pire white eyes. Breader pair. 100%
Pigeonz for saleeee
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pair is breedr nd beautyfull young pigeons...only call no sms nd only intrsted people.
Pure asel murga supar hite murga ha
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Pure asel murga supar hite murga ha pure asel murga supar hite murga ha
Golden and white puff hens
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds i have pure american puff hens for sale in multan 1 golden **** 2 golden hens 1 white puff 1 white hen and 1 black bentem single ****
Serazi for sel gud loking
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Sia sirazi 4sel gud and haldi
Fancy pigeon for sale
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Magpi female 3500 Fawn male 4000 Chinese owl male 3500 3nu pigeon breeder hai 110% from jahania
Asale Class yellow german Pair plz call no sms
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Asale Class yellow german Pair plz call no sms
Choy channan 2nd kali male
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Choy Channan 2nd Kali male for sale. healthy and active. original pic attached.
Common setti breeder pair with 1 chick
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Common Setti breeder pair with 1 chick for sale. good size. good colour. original pics attached. only serious buyer contact.
Birds in multan
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds High Flyers & Tembler Forsale
High flyer & Yellow Tembler
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds High flyers & Yellow Tembler Kuch Paray forsale
Yellow Tembler in multan (kuch paray)
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Yellow Tembler in multan (kuch paray) Yellow Tembler for sale.
2 german beuty o kali and black mac pie danish chiks okali
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds 2 german beuty o kali and black mac pie danish chiks okali
Aseel Piegons. Quality Breed
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds All r very gud breed piegons. Attractive price, negotiable upto handsome offer. 20-25 piegon
BEautiful pegiOn
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds grey color. red eyes. small beak.full breeder male pegion .only serious buyers contact..price are final..no bargning plzz..
My pigeons amazing breed
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Ye aik pice nikla hy is ka colour hat ky hy is ka pamoze bhe bra hy jis ny lyna ho vo rabta kry 3 month ka hy Only srrios Byers contect kren
Spengle seti nati breeder pair
(Multan)  - Pets & Animals / Birds Black spangled male or chocolate spangled female breeder pair hy. Pehly aen pehly paen