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Zarea.pk Bestway Pakcem - Lahore (Lahore)

Post #: A45174381
Posted on: 25 March
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Ad Type: For Sale

Zarea employs technology to streamline raw material procurement in the construction industry.

A one stop procurement solution for businesses and retailers, enabling better prices and transparency, quality assurance, intelligent inventory management, faster delivery and flexible payment options as well as extensive online and offline assistance. For our suppliers, we help them achieve a bigger client base, high order volumes and advance payments.

Pakcem is well established in the local as well as international market for its quality, durability & strength. It was the first product in Pakistan to deliver up to 10,000 PSI strength, catering to the needs of housing, industrial buildings, and infrastructural requirements.

This cement is general-purpose cement and can be used for concrete construction such as pavements and sidewalks, bridges, buildings concrete blocks, floor slabs, beams, culverts, reservoirs, masonry, and reinforced concrete. It is also used for manufacturing pre-cast concrete blocks & pipes.

The OPC produced by Bestway complies with:

1Pakistan StandardPS:232:2008 (R) 53 Grade
2Pakistan StandardPS:5313: 2014 (R) CEM I 52,5 N
3European StandardEN:197-1:2011 CEM I 52,5 N
4Indian StandardIS:269:2015 53 Grade

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