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Karachi Pets & Animals

12 March
fisher pathy fresh healy and active For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds fisher fresh and active for sale age 3 to 4 month 2200 pr piar
Budgies + Finch + Cage For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Eye Catching And Extremely Beautiful Dark Blue Breeder Pair Of Budgies With 4 Pathay, Blue/White And Green/Yellow Pied Budgies Breeder Pair And 7 Zebra Finch Plus 8 Portion Cage For Sale On Reason...
orange canary breeding pair For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Hello friend I want to sell my orange canary breeding pair active healthy and singing male.
white muzaik canary breeding pair For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Friends I am selling my white muzaik breeding pair 100 persent breeder.healty active and good size ready for lying egg nest in under construction.
blue pasnata,fishar For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Assalam o alaikum Blue pasnata or fishar pathe available for sale so any one are intresting so contact me
Australian breeding pairs For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds 3 full breeder pairs 700/- each 1 ready to breed white pied pair 600/- 1 extra male ready to breed 300
fishet ready to bread For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds fisher 9 piece very active and healthy good size age 7 month
3 to 6 months old love bird  - Pets & Animals / Birds have different types of love birds available at my farm. Age is starting from 3 months to 6 months. Following are the rates for different categories: 1)Blue Personata = 6500 and for bulk quantit...
Australian parrots Bajri For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Australian parrots Bajri in all colours
SAKRAN BIRDS FARM For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Under Size Fellow Pathay ♡ Hellthy & Active♡
fisher, black masket nd blue personata  - Pets & Animals / Birds 1 breeder pair fisher male nd blck masket dark face female age 15 month 5000rs 1 pair male fisher nd female blue personata ready for 1st breed 5000rs 2 fisher females age 12 month ready for 1st br...
R/E,Lotino,B/E,Albino,Volite,piston,blue  - Pets & Animals / Birds NO,MARKET,NO,IMPOTED,REAL HOME BREED BREEDER PAIRS. (1)Albino pasnata Black eye home breed breeder bounded pair,18000, (2)lotino pasnata Red eyes breeder bounded pair,25000, (3)two breeder bonded...
Jumbo size For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds Jumbo size English bloodline Finches for sale. Call for prices and other details. Original pics attatched.
HANDTAMED SUNCONURE For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds AOA 3.5 months old handtamed SUNCONURE 4 sale ! For more details contact: Location: Karachi
HANDFEED GREY PARROT For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds AOA 6 weeks old handfeed GREY PARROT 4 sale ! For more details contact Location: Karachi
HANDFEED TRITRON COCKATOO For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds AOA 8 weeks old handfeed TRITRON COCKATOO 4 sale ! For more details contact: Location: Karachi
Male sun conure For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds I want to sell my sun conure, fully adult, active and 100% healthy. It is a male.
crested splits , bujri n tufted For sal  - Pets & Animals / Birds 3 bujri males (Crested split) 400/-piece 2 bujri 1 male n 1 female (excellent size) 350/-piece 1 tufted male (crested split) 850/-piece All birds are healthy n active contact
SAKRAN BIRDS FARM  - Pets & Animals / Birds Crested Red Eye Pathay ♡ Crested Budgies ♡ Red Eye Pathay ♡ Neat & Cleen Hellthy & Active Original Pictures Attached
fallow crested For sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds 1 pair fallow crested YOUNG HEALTHY GOOD SIZE AND PATCH READY TO 1st BREED yellow female double crest white male single round crest original pictures attached

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