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Pure aseel white beautifull patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel white beautifull patha  boht candail patha ha chek kr k lain
Taddi breed  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Muhammad pura .street #2 ustaad Aslam
Pure aseel hens for sale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I have aseel hens for sale. Heathy and vacineted. Age 1 year. Confirm breeder. Quantity 15 hens Ech hen price 1500 Intersted contct me.
Black tail pigan male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
black tale male for sale halthy and beautiful
Home breed  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Home breed  Call my number

Pure taddi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure taddi  Contect my nimber
American and english pairs  - Pets & Animals / Birds
American and eglish fantail pigean for sale in good quality
Beautiful birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
beautiful birds good healthy i want 2 sale my luckay fancy peigons in very low price in jst 800/- per piece. rate is full & final so plz dont bargain. only serious buyer contact with me.. ...
Sherazi pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
3 red piece 1 yellow 1 black feli breed pair also for sale price 3500
Beautiful pigeons maina nasal  - Pets & Animals / Birds
full black color maina nasal hai. only one hai. 1000/- ka final hai.
White bloon pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
White bloon pair for sale
Bilkul thik hay no falt  - Pets & Animals / Birds
desi hay or cross kay liay bi hay iss ks namm lala
Pegions for sale.  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want 2 sale my luckay fancy peigons in very low price in jst 300 per piece. rate is full & final so plz dont bargain. only serious buyer contact with me
Setinet 2 bredar male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
2 Bredar male for sale only 6500 1 male prize 3300
Red silky male cook  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure red silky male for sale
Breeder set of silkie silky hens  - Pets & Animals / Birds
1 male and 2 females both females are eggs laying original pics attached price 2000 per bird Adress peples colony no 1 near khizra masjid
German Beauty in cheap Price Breeder male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
German Beauty in cheap Price Breeder male beauty in cheap rate
Ameriacn fantail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
american fantail 100% breeder pair with eggs for sale
Pure aseel murga  - Pets & Animals / Birds
8 month age pure aseel faisalabad from jhang road
English fantail pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy active and breeder pair. final price no barganing. big tail big size. good bloodline. cargo facilty available. cargo charges not include in price.
Yellow megpaie female  - Pets & Animals / Birds
young yellow female 10 kali
Afzal 66 jb .Dhandra  - Pets & Animals / Birds
This breader peair for sale
White Cariar Pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
White cariar for sale
Teddy male very good male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
teddy male for sale good size helthy and active
Dove(Khumry) Exchange  - Pets & Animals / Birds
mere pass 2 brown male khumry hain. mje ek female chayie. me ek male exchange krna chahta hn ek female k saath.agar kisi k pass female ho to please contact me urgently.
Fancy Pigeon golden mishre 2 male 4 sell  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Fancy Pigeon golden mishre 2 male 4 sell  halthi activ and good coler
Pouter breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pouter breeder pair for sale at resonalable price
White back frill breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
White back frill breeder pair for sale at resonalable price
Kali ankh ka male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Kali ankh ka male  healthy and active urgent for sale
Highflier chick  - Pets & Animals / Birds
parents pic is attached for refrence chick is in 2nd kali
Black aseel murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel murgh urgent for sale
Pure aseel hens y&b  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel hens y&b  Pure aseel hens Egg laying 1 year aged
Ameriacn fantail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Ameriacn fantail  breeder pair with eggs
Pure aseal sawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
achi halat man morga with morgi fori sale ha
Lucky pegion argent sl  - Pets & Animals / Birds
total white low prise healthy and active urgent sale
Germa beauty male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
German Beauty male brider for sale urgent
Chines hen in white colour  - Pets & Animals / Birds
chines hen in white colour
German beauty pegions available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
german beauty breeder pair for sale in faisalabad active and healthy condition
Birds name turky (piru)  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i have offer these birds for sale i have 7 pairs one peice have a value 3000 pkr per pair value is 6000 pkr, intersted people can contact me via mobile number
Bird Peru very beautifull  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Very beautiful Peru Bird mujy abrod jana hy is lya emergency me sale ker raha ho Contact me as soon as possible Negotiable Price Only interested People Contact
Pure aseal patha sawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
achi halat man morga with morgi fori sale ha
Garman beauty single male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Garman beauty single male  garmar beauty single make
Fancy Polish Pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Fancy Polish Pigeons  Polish chiks paire for sale
Blue fylgezer pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy active and breeder pair. 100% breeder and 100% accurate cutting. only serious buyer contact me. its a final price plzzz no barganing
English fantail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy active and breeder pair. big tail big size. 100% breeder pair. serious buyer cl me shanijutt. sale on cheap price plz no barganing.
Aseel breed pure blaki  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel breed pure blaki  Game finish 1min 45 sec
Rata aseel long tail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
boht candail or beautifull murgh ha
Boht aseel mushka  - Pets & Animals / Birds
boht mazboot or candail murgh ha chek kr k lain
Kharpail aseel patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
boht mazboot or speedr patha ha
China aseel candail murgh  - Pets & Animals / Birds
China aseel candail murgh  chek kr k lay k jayen
Highfly pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
mere pass highfly pigeons ha ma sale kar raha hun
Chicks going cheap (urgent)  - Pets & Animals / Birds
urgent for sale healthy and active parent pics are also attached for refrence
Aseel full setp for sael  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel full setp for sael black murga 3 whit murgia egg deti hai 3no he par pic 3000
Hen male bantam breed available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
hen male bantam breed available age 14 month color white onlay 1 male urgent urgent urgent sale
Black pom and trumpiter  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black pom and trumpiter  call for other details
Wite trumpeter breader pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
trumpeter breader pair Wite trumpeter breader pair
Pure Joray waly pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
No bargaining price is fixed Pigeon in cheap Price
PEIGON very beautiful  - Pets & Animals / Birds
yellow mapie breader pair
Farilback 6 kali ka patha for sael  - Pets & Animals / Birds
farilback 6 kali ka patha for sael
White English Fantail Chicks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
White English Fantail Chicks  3 pc of white fantail healthy and active 1500 each pc
Boht aseel chini high quality  - Pets & Animals / Birds
murgi boht mazboot or aseel ha
Aseel mushka lasani patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel mushka lasani patha  aseel mushka lasani for sale
Aseel cheena murga  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel cheena murga for sale
Beautiful khumra pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want to sale my beautiful khumra breading pair please contact only serious buyers
Jawa aseel patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
age 12 month is ka bapp 5 larai win tha majboori ki waja sa sale kar rha ho
Chini aseel great quality  - Pets & Animals / Birds
white nok nali age 2 years white ankh
Pure assel hen with chiks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want to sale pure assel hen with chiks urgent only serious buyers contact
White pigeons females  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Meray pass 2 pure white females hain jin ko mey sale krna chahta hoon.
Jurman beauty breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
breeder pair. healthy and beautiful pair available in very very cheep price. plz only call no SMS.
White pigeons females  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Meray pass 2 Pure white females hain jin ko mey sale krna chahta hoon.
Black megpaei adult pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful breader pair for sale in very cheap price
Jurman beauty pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Jurman beauty breader pair for sale in very cheap price. Only call no sms plz
Black king breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
black king in good size available.
White naqab posh  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Nayab breeder pair munasb price mein dastyab hai. sanjeeda hazrat call krain.thanks
English American Lakka Pigeon Chicks Pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
English American Lakka Pigeon Chicks Pair For Sale Chicks Are Ready To Get There Own Feed Age Of Chicks Is About 65 Days Heavy Body And Good Health 15 Days Free Feed For Purchased Pigeon...
King bird  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy active breadid pair
Laka kabotar 00  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy active breaded pair
Dorbeen breeders birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Dorbeen breeders birds
Fan tail pare of peagion  - Pets & Animals / Birds
black and white femail white mail very healthy purw breed buyre please call no sms
Lucky peagion fan tail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure white veary healthy looking beautifual contect on call me plz no sms
Pure aseel patha white high quality  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel patha white high quality  pathay mai har quality ha
High fly pegions very goog breedr pairs  - Pets & Animals / Birds
1 pair 1000 jonsra pair white pair halki red and white eyes pair 2000 2 young male white and red eye 1 male 500 white male and jonsri female pair 1000 2 white chiks ..700
Khoobsoorat Aseel Murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Bohat acha aur khoobsoorat murgha. Kam kimat main. Nasal ki guarantee kay sath
Aseel pair very cheep prise  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel **** pair very good breed
Qaisd Fancy Pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Qaasid breeder paire
Heathy nd actuv pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pair for sale in cheap price
Aseel paer murga mianwali and murgi sindhi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Is ki price bhot kaam hai. Aseel paer murga mianwali and murgi sindhi
English American Lakka Pigeon young pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Male And Female In The Pair Are Confirmed. - Chicks Are Available For Sale. - 15 Colour Are Available In This Type Of Breed. - This Picture Is Showing There Good Health. - It Has Heavy Tai...
Common Settinet pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Healthy active and young pair. Good cutting good size. Pair ready for first breed. No barganing final price. Zeeshan
Crown frill chicks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
crown frill chicks available in very low price. healthy and beautiful
Black king pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
patha pathi available in very low price. only call
Baazi wale kbotr  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Vialty kbotr sail.high fling pigeon..
Doorbeen patha pathi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
very low price . nice jora Doorbeen patha pathi
Chicks of cochin buff  - Pets & Animals / Birds
4 chicks age 3 months vaccinated and in good health
Englishfantail chiks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Healthy active and vaccination chiks. 0 kali chiks. Havey tail. Good lenght. Jet black color. Other info cal me. Only seriouse buyer contact wid me. Cargo facilty available. Zeeshan ali ...
Best pigeons of 2015  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful high flying pigeons. Breeds of yousaf khan actor and fareed khan of lahore. All excellent breeds young ones are available at a reasonsble price. No body can find such breeds of highflyin...
Golden cochin heavy set gurented breeder  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Golden heavy breeder set very big size hens are laying eggs age 1 year price is very cheap only 6500 fir set
Set of these hens forsale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
1 male and 2 females of these hens age 8 months price 1000 per piece
10 number breed of ustad saman abbas  - Pets & Animals / Birds
we sell our best pigeons to communicate with the best people
Turkey breeder set at cheap rate 2000 per bird  - Pets & Animals / Birds
2 females and 1 male. females are guarented egg laying price is very reasonable and final please contact on call only
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