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Pakistan Classifieds / Faisalabad Classifieds /

Silky splash set very rare color at cheap price 2000 per pird  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Silky set 1 male 2 females age 12 months guarented egg laying set price 2000 per bird and 6000 for set. Price is final plz dont bargen
Egg laying 4 ducks 1 male and 3 females  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I have 4 ducks very healthy and active at reasonable price 600 per bird and 2400 for all contact me on call only
Pure Mianwali Cocks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure Mianwali cocks.not 4 sale. Rana Umer Faisalabad.
Aseel Cocks & Hens  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel Cocks & Hens,not 4 sale,Rana Umer Faisalabad.
White silkie male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
white silkie young male

Desi murghiyan available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
golden misri hens for sale, healthy n good condition, quantity 35
A beautiful & very nice plz contact me quickly  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Urgently sale very urgent plz contact me very fast
Best Quality White Homer Female available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Best Quality White Homer Female available for sale qasid Pathi for sale
Pure desi murgian eggs laying daily  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I have 4 pure desi murgian at reasonable price 500 each they laying eggs daily age 8 months
Black cochin bentum eggs laying pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black cochin bentum pair guarented breeder pair age 1 year price 2000 for pair
White polish favourus breeder male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Color pure white Favourus breeder male Age 9 months Price 2000/
Farm house imported lakka fantail pigeons pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
chicks are ready to get there own feed age of chicks is about 85 days Heavy Body And Good Health 15 Days Free Feed For Purchased Pigeons Mediciene Package Free Mediciene For Pigeons For There Tra...
Mili fleur male hen  - Pets & Animals / Birds
very active and healthy price is low real pix are attached jxt for time shortage bcz care ni ho ri thk sy that's y sale krna h
Fancy female confarm bradar  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I want to sale confarm berdar female
Beautiful and attractive pigeons.  - Pets & Animals / Birds
We are selling pigeons for many many years, there are many many kinds of pigeons, please call us for more details(prizes) and visit the old and famous NAASI WALEY.
4 fancy pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
2000 per piece price is mentioned and if u get all then i give u in more less rate..;ToTal 4 pieces,fresh hana spenle chicks in all colours like Silver,red,black,Yellow... in perfect cutting &...
White Frillback pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Asalamualikum dost.main apna white Frillback pair krna chah raha hun.total 3 pairs hain. Sb k sb breeding pairs hain A-class breed hai healthy active n vaccinated,perfect pamoz,large size,exact frill...
White pair pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Breedr pair.full white colr.or b flying pigeons hain jin ko mey sale krna chahta hoon.
Pure aseel murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
cheena murga pure aseel weight 2700 gram. high quality
A beautiful saeel murga  - Pets & Animals / Birds
very beauti full mianwali aseel murga
King Modina and fency pigeons availabale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Modina and Fency crested pigeons availabale King Modina and fency pigeons availabale
Boht hi shandar murg offer must read add. murga daikho to sahi. .  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Boht hi shandar murg offer must read add. murga daikho to sahi. .
Fancy Hens and chiken  - Pets & Animals / Birds
We have a large verity of fancy hens and pigeons for sale. Golden silky Black silky Silver polish Buff silky Buff polish bentum White bentum White silky White polish black polish English gam...
Aseel pela murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel pela murgha for sale
Aseel saleta peela patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel saleta peela patha  contact only serious persons.
Golden Buff Hens  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pair beautiful for sell 10000
Pair of pure lakka  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Fancy & beautiful pair of pure lakka
Guranteed breeder male going cheep  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Guranteed breeder male going cheep  confirm breeder healthy and active urgent for sale
Blue Laced Satinette Pigeon Breeder Pair with Seal of Ottaman Sultan  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Blue Laced Satinette Pigeon HISTORIC breed pair It is known that upon the sultans' request a special breed of pigeon was bred in the Manisa Palace. (Manisa is an old Ottoman city in western Turk...
Silver magpie female available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I want to sale silver magpie female for rupees 5000/-
Aseel pela patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel pela patha  very dangures patha just serious byeres contect me
Assel peela patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Assel peela patha just serious byeres contect me
Aseel sawa chena patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel sawa chena patha  just serious byeres contect me
Aseel mushqa sawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
just serious byeres contect me
Aseel rata patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel rata patha  just serious byeares contect me
Asel sawa patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Asel sawa patha  just serious byeres contect me
Aseel sawa patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel sawa patha  just serious contect me
Aseel rata patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
very nice look just serious byeares contect me
Aseel pala patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel pala patha  just serious byeres contect me
Beautiful pigeons 'pair'  - Pets & Animals / Birds
My pigeons are very beautiful.I do not want to sell them but I have shortage of space.I want them to live in a large place so I am selling my pegioen.
Some fancy pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
huna pair 6000 white fantail pair 4500 budpest 3000 sherzi chicks 1500 feli pair 4000 sherzi breeder pair 4000 american faintail 7500
Feli breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
breeder pair for sale pure cuting
Ameriacn fantail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
american fantail breeder pair for sale
Frill and modina available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Frill and modina available  Frill back pair King modina Lakkay Khumray Pouter
Pouter pigeons available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I want to sale all my birds in different variety because im going to close my setup Lakka Pigeon at 500/- Red Spangle Male at 3000/- Each Khumra at 500/- each Yellow king Modina at 1500/- Each O...
Fency pigeons availabe  - Pets & Animals / Birds
King modina chicks and lakky fency chicks availabe for sale Modina 1000/- each Lakaky 500/- each
White pure aseel heera pair dangerous  - Pets & Animals / Birds
full white or boht mazboot ha murgi murga nok nali b white ha age 2 years
Fancy bird male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
fancy bird for sale faisalabad
Sindi aseel hen  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Sindi aseel hen  nice buti hn for sal
English breedr pair in good quality  - Pets & Animals / Birds
English breedar pair for sale in cheap price in good quality
English faintail breedar pair for in cheap price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
English faintal bredr paor for sale in cheap piric in good quality
Lucky pair of peagion  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Lucky pair of peagion  halthy good look confrom pair
Laucky pair pure white  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Laucky pair pure white  pure white halthy confrom breed
Breeder pair of amercan fantale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
female is in chocolate color and male is in light brown color having black dots on it
Setinet forbijin  - Pets & Animals / Birds
setinet forbijin for sale
Pure aseel hen b&b  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel hen Good race(nasal) White eyed 1 year aged Egg lying
Owl pigeons breeder pair with chick  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy and active pair with one chick
Feli fancy male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
This Male exchange with female and sale.another hight flying pigeons avilable for sale or exchange with fancy pigeons .
White fancy red eye  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Male exchange with female and sale
Adult pair of red brouner  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want to sale one pair of red brouner in healthy condition
Two females of black magpie  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want to sale two females of black magpie in healthy condition laying eggs for rs.5000 per piece
4 white and 2 brown pieces of khumras  - Pets & Animals / Birds
4 white and 2 brown pieces of khumras  i want to sale 3 pairs of khumras in healthy condition
MenaDaag Breeder Pair In Cheaper Price Range  - Pets & Animals / Birds
MenaDaag Breeder Pair In Cheaper Price Range  Confirm Breeder Very healthy and active
Seti Breeder Male Best Price Range  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Seti Breeder Male Best Price Range  Healthy active and beautiful. Confirm Breeder Good parmoz
Lukka pigeon healthy and active  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Lukka pigeon healthy and active  healthy and active young male pic attached ...
Walayti Pair Good Flying  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Very good in flying Young Pair Healthy and active.
Naqaab Posh Breeder Female In Cheap Price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Confirm Breeder Getting new feathers in naqaab it will be more long and beautiful. Good chance for naqabposh lovers.
Red Male Left In Reasonable Price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Red Male Left In Reasonable Price  Confirm Breeder Very Healthy and active
Fantail Breeder Pair In Lowest Price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Healthy and Active Big Size Confirm Breeder Very Neat and bright colors. Price already very very reasonable.
Breeder Male For Adoption  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Very Healthy and Active Breeder
Aseel murga mianwali nasal  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure aseel murga mianwale nasal /1 year
Pure Aseal patha rata mushka  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure Aseal patha rata mushka  Only serious persons can contact.
English fantail chiks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Healthy active 1 kali chiks pair. Larg size big tail. Jet black color. Final price 2200 no barganing its final. Out of city buyer cargo charges not include. Cargo facilty available. Zeeshan ...
White khumre in faisalabad.  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure White healthy khumre.one pair for 700.
Aseel murghi black  - Pets & Animals / Birds
mare pas pure aseel murghi hai black clr me agr kasi ko chahye ho to muj se rabta kar sakta hai !
Madari aseel patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
mare pas pure madari aseel patha hai agr kasi ko chahye ho to muj se rabta kar sakta hai
Madari aseel murghi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
mare pas pure madari aseel murghi hai agr kasi ko chahye ho to nechy deye gye nbr par muj se rabta kar sakta hai
Beautiful birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
beautiful pigeons very healthy price final hai 1000/- pair different color hain
Beautiful pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
full black color maina nasal hai. only one hai/- 1200 ka final hai. female hai
Aseel sawa patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure aseel sawa patha for sale
Pure aseel pela murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel pela murgha for sale
Pure aseel rata murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure aseel rata murgha  aseel rata murgha for sale
Aseel rata mushka patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel rata mushka patha for sale
Pure aseel sawa murgha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel sawa murgha for sale
Dab waly,taidi or ram pori  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Dab waly,ram pori,golden,paintio waly,batairy.all availaible here
Felewizar bredar pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black male and yellow female bredar pair for sale, seeting on eegs.
Black tail pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I Want to sale my young Black tail pair in very low priz
Aseel patha rata mushka  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel rata mushka patha kharidal
Aseel cut mushka murgha lasani  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel mushka lasani murgha for sale my home bread
Aseel murgha cheta sawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel murgha cheta sawa for sale
Aseel pelaa patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel peela patha for sale
Aseel rata mushka patha..  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel patha rata mushka for sale
Aseel patha sawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel patha sawa for sale
Asee;sawa murgha ...  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel sawa murgha for sale
Aseel blak saaawa  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel black sawa patha for sale
Aseel rata patha topla  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel patha rata topla for sale
Aseel murgha kala chena  - Pets & Animals / Birds
aseel murgha for sale kala chena
Pigeon Laka and White Laka Pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
1 piece of laka Black and White 1 Pair of White Laka For Sale 1200 for All 400/piece
Polish **** 3ps  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Polish **** 3ps  new fersh good loocking cute
High fly good breed  - Pets & Animals / Birds
par pice young chiks 500 par pair 2000 healthy and active sure highest fly timing white pair wlaiti 1 pair jonsra pair white pigeon
RSS feed for Faisalabad Pakistan